¡Welcome to BS skateboarding!

BS Skateboarding Bowl old shool

Hello there! If you’ve landed here, it’s probably because you have a strong interest in skateboarding outside of the massive mainstream media circus—Instagram, TikTok, and whatever else skateboarding is turning into—or maybe you’re just here for the funny drawings. However you found your way here, WELCOME.

The story of BS is very simple but surrounded by many complex day-to-day life obstacles. It’s no secret that we’re living in an age where it’s extremely difficult to create anything from scratch. If you weren’t lucky enough to be born with all the comforts and have everything handed to you on a silver platter, well, you’ve got to work A LOT.

Let me introduce myself; my name is Félix. First and foremost, I’m a 39-year-old skateboarder. Besides that, I’m a musician, illustrator, and graphic designer. I was 34 when I formalized BS, and around 24 when the idea first took root in my head.

When I was younger, I stepped away from the skateboarding world due to serious injuries. Given where I came from and the daily responsibilities required just to make a living or even stay alive, returning to skateboarding was a dream. So, I focused on everything else outside of skateboarding.

At 30, I moved to Barcelona. One thing you should know about Barcelona is that even if you don’t know that the wheels go beneath the deck, you’re going to be exposed to skateboarding very intensely, and that’s a magical thing. Without even trying, I found myself back on top of my deck, shaking off laziness, fatness, sedentarism, and rejecting the idea of dying from a heart attack in someone else’s office chair, regretting not pursuing my dream of a life centered around skateboarding and music, oh, and also surrounded by fake, parasitic people.

Inspired, I returned home. I quit my uninspiring office job and threw myself into the wild pursuit of building a dream.

Encountering a lot of challenges is normal when starting anything that requires hard work and money. To add to that stress, a pandemic hit, and needless to say, navigating such a rocky road makes you feel like you’re waiting for a meteorite to strike at any moment.

Finding the strength to sustain something like BS is not easy. As mentioned earlier, you’ve got to work at it. Being a graphic designer and illustrator helped push the concept of BS to the point where it needed to be materialized. With a lot of effort, I learned various printing techniques to reduce production costs and offer a good product at a reasonable price.

Then, in early 2019, to my surprise and everyone else’s, the pandemic arrived, and everything went haywire. The way I put it makes it sound like a post-apocalyptic tale, and in some ways, it was, considering the multitude of lives and jobs lost, leaving us to reminisce about those days with the appropriate sadness and frustration.

I kept working HARD, almost making zero money. But there’s something about being at rock bottom that teaches you quickly. You have to figure out how to solve problems, and if you can’t, it’s game over. Nevertheless, I must give a shoutout to the beautiful skateboarding community that fuels BS; it would have been impossible without you.

I could write for hours, but it’s a fact that people read less every day! XD So, the best I can offer for the first entry on this blog is a promise that it will be interesting, honest, and with less than 1% nonsense—a space where you’ll always find good information and news about skateboarding, local scenes, and of course, tehm Yuto’s, them Nyah’s and them amazing japanese-super-human-kids who are coming for you! Seriously, what’s happening in Japan is JUST AMAZING. You might want to step up your game, son! See? That’s something worth talking about—maybe in the next entry, right?

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