Envío gratuito en toda España Península por compras superiores a 75€ - Lija gratis con la compra de cualquiera de nuestras tablas de Skateboarding - Free shipping Spain Peninsula for purchases over €75 - Free grip tape with the purchase of any of our skateboarding decks.

BS Skateboarding Historia 100% hand-made

BS Skateboarding banner history

BS Skateboarding

BS Skateboarding, fuerza resiliente en la escena del skateboarding de Barcelona desde 2019. A pesar de pandemias y guerras, BS se mantiene firme y enfocado en seguir entregando material de primera calidad, hecho con amor por el skateboarding por skaters, para skaters.

BS surge de la necesidad de rescatar las formas legendarias del skateboarding de antes sin perder la contemporaneidad. Hacemos tablas y ropa en casa usando los mismos métodos de antes, con tinta pura y nuestras manos. Nada es producido en masa, y nuestros artículos van directamente de nuestras manos a las tuyas. Todo lo que rodea el mundo de BS Skateboarding proviene de mi mente. Suena extraño, lo sé, y por eso me presento: mi nombre es Félix.

BS Skateboarding skateboarder melon grab

Melon Grab by @el_fex
Pic by: @skateboze

Soy un skater de 39 años. Tenía 34 cuando formalicé BS y alrededor de 24 cuando la idea ya estaba en mi cabeza. Cuando era joven, me retiré del mundo del skateboarding debido a lesiones graves y, sin considerar que, de donde vengo, con todas las necesidades diarias, volver al skate era un sueño. A los 30, me mudé a Barcelona y, sin siquiera buscarlo, el lugar me alimentó con un espíritu indomable por patinar y la firmeza en el objetivo de volver a sentir un kickflip bien planchado y crear una marca de SB que realmente represente el skateboarding para personas comunes como tú y yo, que patinamos porque es nuestro lugar feliz, nuestra terapia, nuestro Valhalla.

Dicho esto, si tu idea del skateboarding es solo publicar fotos cool y alimentar tu ego en las redes sociales, te invito a dejar de leer y abandonar esta página. Definitivamente, si estás aquí por cualquier cosa que no sea amor por el skateboarding, ese amor visceral que te hace estar dispuesto a darlo todo, incluidos tus dientes y huesos… entonces ¡adiós!

BS Skateboarding Prints

All Hand-Home-Made

Ser diseñador gráfico e ilustrador ayudó a impulsar el concepto hasta el punto en que necesitaba materializarse. Con mucho esfuerzo, aprendí muchas de las técnicas de impresión exixtentes para reducir los costos de producción y poder ofrecer un buen producto a un buen precio directamente de mis manos. Todo esto se hizo realidad a principios de 2019, pero para mi sorpresa y la de todos, llegó la pandemia. Dicho así, suena como un relato postapocalíptico, y en cierto sentido, lo es, la cantidad de vidas y empleos perdidos solo nos permite recordar esos días con la tristeza y frustración que se merecen.

Años difíciles pasaron pero gracias a nuestra comunidad de skaters aquí seguimos.

BS Skateboarding Bowl old shool

Today, the spirit of BS Skateboarding is stronger than ever. Possibly more tragedies and obstacles may appear, but if there’s anything the hard times teach us, it’s that perseverance leads to triumph. And all I have left to say is that being brave isn’t about being immune to fear; being brave is being afraid and continuing to fight for your goals.

Without further ado, see you in a skate session any of these days on the streets of Barna!”

BS Skateboarding badge

Déjanos saber que piensas!

BS Skateboarding decks, embodying the essence of our skateboarding culture, this t-shirt reflects the resilience, creativity, and sense of community that define BS. With our roots firmly planted since 2019.

We are dedicated to preserving and celebrating the passion that drives us forward, while staying true to the communities that have stood by our side.

Immerse yourself in our diverse collection, where every product tells a story of perseverance and innovation:

Enduring Legacy: At BS, we’re proud to carry on the legacy of skateboarding. Our hand-made SB products pay homage to the pioneers who paved the way for us, embodying the spirit of resilience and determination that defines our culture.

Designer Craftsmanship: Our skilled designers are the heart and soul of BS. With precision and artistry, they transform raw materials into works of art, infusing each product with personality and style.

Barcelona’s Influence: From the bustling streets of Barcelona to skate parks worldwide, our designs capture the essence of SB culture. Inspired by the vibrant energy of España, our products reflect the diversity and creativity of the skateboarding community.

But our commitment goes beyond just creating exceptional products. At BS, we believe in supporting local SB brands and shops and fostering a sense of community within the SB industry:

Support Your Local Brands and Shops: Local brands and shops are the backbones of our community.  They provide a space for skateboarders to connect, learn, and grow together. By supporting your local SB shop, you’re not just investing in gear; you’re investing in the future of skateboarding.  A prime example of people you should support are shops and organizations dedicated to spreading SB love like https://venerobcn.com/about-us/ or skateboarding teachers/gurus such as: https://www.instagram.com/coyoteskateschool/.

Building Stronger Communities: When you shop local, you’re contributing to the growth and sustainability of your community. Local SB shops create jobs, support local artists and designers, and provide a platform for emerging talent to thrive.

Preserving Skateboarding Culture: Local SB brands and shops play a crucial role in preserving the rich history and culture of skateboarding. They serve as hubs for events, competitions, and gatherings, keeping the spirit of skateboarding alive for future generations to enjoy.

Why choose BS hand-made skateboarding essentials and homemade apparel?

Community Connection: At BS, we’re committed to supporting local SB shops and fostering a sense of community within the skateboarding industry. When you choose BS products, you’re not just buying gear; you’re investing in the future of SB and supporting the local businesses that keep our community thriving.

Quality Assurance: By purchasing from local brands and shops, you can trust that you’re getting top-notch products and personalized service. Local brands and shops take pride in curating the best gear for their customers, ensuring that every purchase meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Expert Advice: Local SB brands and shops are staffed by passionate skateboarders who are eager to share their knowledge and expertise with fellow riders. Whether you’re a beginner looking for your first board or a seasoned pro seeking the latest gear, you can rely on the expertise of your local shop to guide you in the right direction.

Building Relationships: Shopping at local SB shops isn’t just about buying gear; it’s about building relationships with fellow skateboarders and supporting the people who share your passion for the sport. Local shops provide a sense of camaraderie and belonging that can’t be replicated online.

So why choose BS hand-made skateboarding essentials and homemade apparel? Because when you support BS, you’re not just supporting a brand; you’re supporting a movement. You’re joining a community of skateboarders who are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and spreading the joy of skateboarding to every corner of the globe.

Elevate your skateboarding experience with BS hand-made products and standout homemade apparel. Join us in celebrating the resilience of BS, the craftsmanship of our products, and the vibrant community that brings it all together. With BS, every ride is an opportunity to connect, inspire, and make a difference in the world of skateboarding.

For more info about us please visit and comment at our links:



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